
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Beginning Sounds and Writing 2

I've been thinking of doing this little workbook for a few weeks now, but for some reason I just always had a million gazillion and one other things to do.  I was always getting distracted with facebook, blogs, and pinterest.  Until yesterday.  I just said to myself, "It's time to turn off all the outside noises and do some work".

And today she is finally here.................

Dear Charlotte - I am sorry that mummy let you go to sleep in Calebs arms, but I want to thank you because it really helped free me up to finish this book.

The book is here, not Charlotte, she's in her cot fast asleep. :o) My 15 year old helped me out by looking after her.

The workbook systematically works it's way through the alphabet at 3 letters on each page, and two pages for each set being done.  Except for the last set - I tired and you only get 1 page for y and z.

Here is a little sample done by Miss Hannah 3 this morning.  She's currently learning her ABC's.

Chloe saw me making the workbook up for Hannah and said that she would love one too.  She's a bit old for the work in it, but she wanted one, so I said, "Sure".  :o)

There's a place for the child to write their name on each page.  It's on the top on the right hand side.   And just in case you can't tell what the pictures are they are written on the far left bottom.

If you'd like a FREE copy of it you'll have to be one of the first 5 people to leave me a message in the comment section.

After that it will be a BARGIN in my TpT store at an awesome price of only $2.00.


  1. This looks really cute Deborah. That was great that your older child looked after the little one for you :)

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  2. Hi Deborah, this looks really great. I would love to get a freebie.

    Glad that Mr 15 was able ot help you out.


  3. Hi,I'd love a free copy. It looks fab!!!



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