
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Elsie Dinsmore

Do you remember a couple of weeks ago I was off gallavanting all over the country side visiting my sister in another state?

Well, I did mention in a previous post that I had bought some books, and today I want to share a little about ONE of them.

I got Book 1 from the series of Elsie Dinsmore.

I got it from Koorong.  I ordered some more from Book Depository.  I see they are also on Amazon.   And a whole stack are FREE on gutenberg.

It far from finished, so I cannot quite give you my thoughts on it just yet.

In the mean time though, I did find something in it to share with you.

* * * * * * *

The Pilgrims Wants

I want a sweet sense of Thy pardoning love,
That my manifold sins are forgiven;
That Christ, as my Advocate, pleadeth above,
That my name is recorded in heaven.

I want every moment to feel
That Thy Spirit resides in my heart -
That His power is present to cleanse and to heal,
And newness of life to impart.

I want - Oh! I want to attain
Some likeness, my Saviour, to Thee!
That longed for resemblance once more to regain,
Thy comeliness put upon me.

I want to be marked for Thine own -
Thy seal on my forehead to wear;
To receive that new name on the mystic white stone
Which none but Thyself can declare.

I want so in thee to abide
As to bring forth some fruit to Thy praise;
The branch which Thou prunest, though feeble and dried,
May languish, but never decays.

I want Thine own hand to unbind
Each tie to terrestrial things,
Too tenderly cherished, too closely entwined,
Where my heart so tenaciously clings.

I want, by my aspect serene,
My actions and words, to declare
That my treasure is placed in a country unseen,
That my heart's best affections are there.

I want as a trav'ller to haste
Straight onward, nor pause on my way;
Nor fore thought in anxious contrivance to waste
On the tent only pitched for a day.

I want - and this sums up my prayer -
To glorify Thee till I die;
Then calmly to yield up my soul to Thy care,
And breathe out in faith my last sigh.

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