
Friday, October 12, 2012

Fables in the Classroom

This week Chloe worked on one of the Fables from my book titled, 'Reading Fables 1'.
This is the 7th fable in the book.  The Ant and the Grasshopper
As we progressed through the unit we often referred back to the fable.  The red markings on the margin is for when we were writing up our own narration.  Beginning, Middle, and Ending.  The colored parts were for when we were looking for nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
A cloze and dictionary exercise.
Something fun to take the pressure off the school side but still focusing on vocabulary and spelling.

A quick comprehension page to see if she was getting the basic ideas.

A different type of comprehension page for the who, what, why, when, where, how.

Some quick little work on nouns, verbs, adjectives.  Remember we colored in some words in the fable on this first photo?

The narration at the end.

Now, there are some more pages in the unit but we didn't do those.  I only wanted the unit to take less than a week to do, so I had to omit a couple of things.
Now here is where my story gets a bit more exciting.   Over the holidays ( 2 more weeks to go people~!! ) I am going to write ANOTHER couple of Fable workbooks.  I can't wait, as I have all these ideas and I want to add a few more things in there like graphic organisers.  I'm going to upgrade the new versions to a higher level too.  That means more cloze work, more dictionary work, and different answering lines.   I want to bring the syllabification work from the back of the book and incorporate that into each fable as well.  The scary thing is that I am also contemplating adding diagramming in there as well.  How cool would that be?
I also have a couple of other books I want to do up as well.  All I need is some time~!!

If you've never heard of my Aesop Fable workbook you can have a little look at its description HERE.

For those who have the packet already, and for my lovely readers here on the blog I have this FREEBIE today.
Thanks for visiting~!!

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