
Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday for Hannah

This weeks show and tell comes from Hannah 3y6m.
This was our 3rd week with working with multiple phonograms.  She has a nice little collection going now.
We got out some little red letters and made the sounds.  She quite liked this activity.
And of course I made a really, really, really big pocket chart this week too.  So we used it to put some flash cards in it.  These are Hannah's first 4 words.  I figured since she was doing so well with those multiple phonograms that I would start her on Rod and Staff 1 Reading.  More on this program in the future.  :o)
I also pulled out some little blue letters for her to make words.
Hannah really loved doing this as well. 
And of course we continued on with our sorting words as well.  :o)

Some more crafts with our multiple phonograms.

I'm compiling all these multiple phonograms craft pages into a file.  I'll be looking to share these soon, so keep an eye out for them.

And for revision and fun we did a quick little worksheet for the letter / a /.



And don't forget to check out yesterdays post with our Columbus show and tell to see our Columbus stick puppets, Columbus hats, and Columbus ships.
Today I am linking up with:

I hope you can join us~!!
Thanks for visiting. 


  1. Hi Deborah :-)
    I am so glad i found your new blog!!!
    I have been reading my way through it.
    I have a couple of questions, i hope you dont mind ;-)
    Firstly where did you get the transparency film and clear double sided tape? (please say office works, I love that store and need an excuse to go lol)
    Also Miss Hannah is sooo very clever!! What age do you start doing work with them? Looking at Hannahs work i am thinking i leave it wayyyyy toooo late to start my littles with anything other than 'fun stuff'.
    After spending a few days (well a week now) going through your blog and printables etc i have decided to get cracking on teaching my littes and i have decided to change our curriculum. I feel with what we are doing i am just juggling too many things and no one is benefitting from it or getting much done. You are so organised and seem to cover so much!
    So i guess i want to say thank you for making me realise i need to change and simplify what we are doing.
    I am so glad i found your blog again :-)

    Cassandra xx

  2. Hi Cassandra,

    Yes, I got the transparencies from Office Works. And the double sided tape is from the Reject shop. I’d love to see how your pocket chart comes out. I started to add flowers to mine but the children got to it and well, I guess I will have to wait till they are older to do cool stuff like that to it.

    I start working with the children as soon as they show any interest. I just try things out until I find what they can and can’t do and go from there. I offer a lot of different type of things for them to try out. Everything from playdoh, to painting, to jigsaws, to worksheets etc.... A lot of stuff never makes it to my blog though. I just show the highlights.

    I popped over and had a quick catch up on your blog too. Wow, the children are growing up so much.


  3. Such awesome reading work! Teaching reading is the one subject that I'm so nervous about. Thankfully Josie is picking it up little by little!

  4. I love those cute apple sticks! Looks like she is making great progress too :)


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