
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Fabulous Farm

So far these holidays I have been very fortunate to get a few new books done.
Here's my latest book:
Fabulous Farm
Just click them to see a BIGGER picture of what's in them.  :o)
102 pages.
I keep thinking that I'm going to have a few days off, but I always get inspiration and crazy motivation and voila, new books and stuff keep appearing.  I'm not complaining.  I'm having fun.  :o)
I already know the name of the next book that I'm going to do:  Zippity Zoo ( can you guess what that theme is? )
* * * * * * *
We are currently trialing the book with 1 x Kindergarten, 1 x Grade 1, 1 x Grade 2.  So there will be some additions and updates to come.  :o)
I want to make sure these activities WORK in real life.  :o)

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