
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Some Randomness

The girls must be getting bored.  They've taken to using the baby as a doll.  They also keep asking to feed her, and change her nappies.   Ummm, not sure if they are really up for that, but hey.
Re: Pram. She doesn't mind being wheeled around, in fact I'm pretty sure that she LOVES it.  Thinks it's absolutely fabulous to be pushed around in a doll pram.
* * * * * * * *
Pinterest gave me an another idea for dessert.  Super easy to do.  Tastes delicious.
A plain cheap cake mix.  70 cents.  1 egg.  180 ml milk.  5 x apples.
Mix cake mix, egg, milk.  Add peeled and chopped up apple.  Put in the oven for 20 mins.
Serve with custard OR ice-cream OR condensed milk.   See, I told you it was easy.  And they LOVE it~!!
Oh and the next time I do a crockpot dinner - I'll share that too.   I just made one yesterday and it was AWESOME~!!.  From Pinterest~!!  Ha ha ha.

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