
Saturday, March 2, 2013

March Currently

It's been a little while since I joined in, but I'm up and running and early enough this time.  :o)

{1}  Like

Have you ever seen white lillies with their gorgeous green stems bundled together and cut straight at the bottom?  G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S.

{2}  Love

My latest love has been smarties.  Sugar and chocolate.  Me and the little girl have been having a generous time sharing them.

{3}  Hate

I have a lot of hates, yep.  I see so much stuff that I truly HATE on FB.  I know a lot of people think that they are doing a service in sharing that type of information, I've even been guilty of it myself in the past, but I don't like some of the things that I see that come to my attention.  I try to filter the things that I pass along these days.  There are just some things so bad in this world that you cannot help but HATE it.

Psssst.  I know I improvised, but I didn't read the small print until it was too late.

But because I'm a good sport here are my 3 items starting with the same letter of my name:

{1.}  Like:   Derwent Pencils

{2.}  Love:  Daisies
{3.}  Hate:  Death and Dirt

Thanks for visiting, and don't forget to run over to Farleys Blog and pick up this months Currently so you can join in the linky party too.


  1. I can't believe you SHARE smarties - are you crazy?? And it is definitely the right weather for a Milo :)

  2. LOL, I know, right? But it is super hard to not share with her. She's so super cute. And she has this super power that knows when I am sneaking into my cupboard to get some. :o)

  3. Smarties or M&M's? I go M&M's anyday!


    P.S. Love the lillies too!

    Teaching Maths with Meaning

  4. I didn't even give M&M's a thought, I should try them out and see how they compare to the smarties.

  5. Hi Deborah,

    I'm so glad that you're thinking about flowers, too! I just haven't been able to get them out of my head for the last couple of days. My friends own a greenhouse and have been keeping their blog filled with lots of pictures of their progress- so exciting!

    Have a great weekend!
    First Grade Follies


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