
Friday, March 1, 2013

Week 7

Welcome to March~!!   Did that last month go super quick for you too?  It really went quick for me.  

{ Week 7 }

The girls all started new workbooks this week for English / Language Arts.

Chloe started book 303 from her course.

She LOVES diagramming~!!   I mean she really loves it.  She gets so much enjoyment and happiness when she does them.

Phebe started 106.

Hannah started 104.

{ What the girls are reading }

Phebe - 5 has started reading this gorgeous little vintage collectable from my shelves.  

A sample from inside:

 Chloe - 7 is reading from this book:

A sample page from inside:

Hannah - 3 is still reading from this book:

She's making great progress though and is more than 2/3 of the way through.

This week Hannah and Chloe played some games.

My laminated copy:

{ Music }

We also spent a LOT of time doing piano this week as well.  Here's Phebe doing a practice lesson with Miss Melody.  The girls are really making a lot of progress.  They do lessons, practice time, games, and more practice and bits and pieces in the library. They even did some worksheets too.  More on all of this later though.  :o)

{ The scary Maths subject }

Chloe has switched over to using Touch Maths.  We've discovered that she has some gaps and weaknesses in her mathematical learning.  Very specifically reverse counting, skip counting, and subtraction.  We also discovered some really neat new ways to do math.  :o)

Phebe is plowing through her Singapore workbooks - then she'll have a go with Touch Maths as well.

Hannah is waddling through her Rod and Staff maths.  Slow and steady wins the race, and I must remember that she is only 3 years old.  She can do the work and concepts in it, but there's really only so much bookwork that a 3 year old can do.

Yeah, so that sort of brings us up to date with the main things this week.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. HI.I was just wondering what "Miss Melody" is? Is this an app, website or CD/DVD? My daughter wants to learn piano and there aren't any teachers where we live. Please explain how you use Miss Melody for your girls. Many thanks.S.

  2. Miss Melody is the practice room helper in the software that we use for piano.

    Basically in a nut shell, it's software that we downloaded. We plug the keyboard and computer in together and just follow the lessons. It does lessons, history and music appreciation, practice, games, more practice, and improvisation. There are also worksheets available as well.

    Every set of 5 lessons it introduces a new teacher. They are all very famous composers.

    I'll be doing a review on the software in the next couple of weeks. :o)

    In the mean time you can find more about it from:

    Hope that helps. :o)


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