
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Art Cards - Renoir

Today I have something very new to the blog - Art Cards.

Today's Artist is Renoir.

Lately I've been thinking it would be so nice if I had some little Art Cards for the girls.  So this morning I finally decided to get started on that.

I am hoping to add more as I go along - including landscape paintings as well { this page only has portrait presentations }.

You'll need a color printer, laminator, and guillotine/scissors - then voila, you'll have the beginnings of your own Art Card collection as well.

If you'd like a copy just leave me a hello comment and I'll send it to you.  { As it turns out the pdf loses color somewhere between being uploaded to google docs and downloading from there - I originally set it up as a direct download but discovered the problem when trying it out. }

In the mean time, pop on over to Garden of Praise { that's where I got these awesome paintings from }.

Thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

  1. I know a few children who would adore these beautiful made art cards. Thank you for inspiring and for sharing.


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