
Monday, August 12, 2013

Grade 3 Maths Upate

Ok everyone, super busy today.  I only have 15 mins to put this blog post together before I have to jump to the next subject.  Can I do it?

Well, we've just finished our two week break away from school and have now resumed school again today.  We're up to week 25. The year is moving so quickly.    

For today's show and tell I just want to pop in and share what Chloe { 8 } is up to with her Maths.

Rod and Staff lesson 93.  It is certainly proving to be quite challenging at places - time table knowledge is a MUST.

Just as well we are seriously working on skip counting / timetables.  She actually ended up doing this page first when she saw what was required in her maths workbook.  That way she had some reference material to help her through.

Additionally, she also started work from this book this morning as well.  It's a blackline master from RIC Publications and was in the bundle that I got last week.

They have teacher helps { handouts } in the front.  So I gave Chloe a couple of pages for her "space" strand.  Then we started on the first worksheet.

All up, she spent just a fraction over an hour on Maths this morning.

How's your maths going these days?  What are you using?

And I got my post done with 2 mins to spare.  Yay~!!

Thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

  1. My just turned 9yr. old son will be using R&S 2nd grade this year too.

    Your daughter did great and that is exciting. My kiddos are kind of anxious to start school. Me, I'm scared. ;)


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