
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sing and Play

This week I added some very awesome and super cool new educational resources to my fun little blackline masters collection. I was totally happy impressed with how quickly RIC Publications dispatched my order this week too. Awesome~!!   I placed my order on Sunday night and by Wednesday afternoon I had my package of goodies sitting on my school table ready for enjoyment. They came all the way from the other side of Australia.  

Today I'll just show you one of the new books that I got.  :o)  You'll have to wait to see and hear about the others.  This one is very specifically for Charlotte - nearly 2, but I think Hannah - 4 is also going to get a lot out of it too.

{ Nursery Rhymes - Sing and Play }

There are 25 sing and play nursery rhymes in this particular book.  Each rhyme has 4 pages dedicated to it.  In the back of the book is a list of illustrated flashcards for photocopying, one for each rhyme.  Total pages:  114. 

Each nursery rhyme follows a set pattern like this:  The first page has the music and ideas to do with the rhyme.  { Yep, I actually got to play this little tune on the keyboard - ha ha ha, and yep, totally impressed myself with that.  I do have to give a bit of credit to Adventus for that though }  The second page is a reproducible of the rhyme illustrated, so that the children can sing and colour.

The very first nursery rhyme is 'Open, Shut them'.  A simple hand singalong.

On the third page they give "cut and craft" instructions.  Then on the 4th page there is a reproducible craft activity.

After introducing the nursery rhyme I got out the craft activity.  After coloring for a short while we then cut out the pieces and taped the face to the top of a paper plate.

And the mouth to the inside.  Yeah, I never knew teeth came in purple and blue, but there you have it, apparently they do.  :o)  I think they look way better than the standard white.

3 of the 4 crafts that got done.  Chloe was a bit late to it all.  I guess she had to see what was going on before she wanted to join in.

I stuck Charlottes copy of the rhyme in an exercise book.  That way we'll be able to revisit the rhymes as we go along, and it'll turn into quite a nice little song book by the end of it all as well.

Have you ever heard of RIC Publications?  They're an Australian educational company.  I can't wait to do some more show and tell from this company.

Thanks for visiting.

Today I'll be linking up with:

I hope you will join us.

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