
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

2015 Grade 4/5 Curriculum

Today I thought that I'd join in with the Not Back To School blog hop with our fellow Australians.

This list is what my 9 year old { soon to be 10 } is doing for the 2015 school year.

Here she is marking her Maths for the first time { while I look over her shoulder }.  I'm trying to move them over to a more autonomous { self propelled if you will } type of homeschooling.   We'll one that makes it easier to manage several children.

{ Bible }

We had a bunch of these left over from last year, so I pulled them back out this year to give it another go and so far it's been a great fit.  So we'll just finish up this course and look for something different after that.

{ Reading }

Chloe just devours books so there's no point in showing you what I think she'll read.  I do keep a current list under the 2015 Book List tab up there if you're interested in what she's read already.

{ English }

I really like this curriculum.  It's quick, easy, and with lots of focused practice.

{ Writing }

Recently started.  It is turning out to be a real TREAT to do.  Chloe is really enjoying it.  Which is great and a huge relief.  I love that it is incremental and very gentle in it's progression.

{ Maths }

We started this book late last year.  So this year we're just continuing along until it gets finished.

Saxon Math 5/4 Homeschool Kit & Saxon Teacher CD-ROMs, Third Edition  -

{ French }

Chloe has a real interest in languages.  She's been picking up bits and pieces all over the place.  Last week I asked her if she'd be interested in this curriculum and I got the quickest "yes" ever.  So I ordered it and now we are waiting for it to arrive.

First Start French--Book 1 Kit with Pronunciation CD  -     By: Danielle Schultz

{ Greek }

Slow and steady wins the race.  There's no rush with this curriculum.  I envision it just dragging on and on for a long while.  Perhaps a couple of years, but we'll see how it goes.

{ History }

Apart from read alouds I've got MOH I on the run with the girls.  They basically read a lesson and then do a short notebook entry on it.

Creation to the Resurrection, Volume 1, Second Edition: The Mystery of History Series  -     By: Linda Lacour Hobar

{ Science }

I'm not a big science girl.  I don't think Chloe is either.  So I opted for something easy but manageable:  Rod and Staff Science.

{ Vocabulary }

We aren't doing a particular spelling curriculum at the moment since I'm using the words from this to form our spelling work instead.

{ Character }

We are STILL using this book.  The girls use my worksheets and continue to fill in their little books a little each day each week.  Just click the book to go to the post that has the FREE worksheets.

{ Art }

We'll be free styling most of the year away.  I envision mostly drawing and painting at this point.  Each girl has their own set of paints and can use them freely at leisure.

{ Music }

I have a subscription to 'Children's Music Journey', but we haven't really used it yet this year.  Not sure what to do with that.

{ Daily Activities }

Now, I've also got this little addiction of adding in a worksheet activity each day.  Each day I give them a different quick worksheet to do.  For example:  today's worksheet was a NT Greek flip page that they had to match their vocabulary to the correct meaning. Generally though, it could be something that I've put together, or got from TpT.  

Yeah, so that's the current plan peoples.  It'll be interesting to see what stays and what goes over the course of the year.

I hope you will join us this week.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Lovely to have you join us. We are also trying Writing With Skill this year, so far so good!

  2. I'd love to hear how you go with the French curriculum. It's the language we have decided to study, too. We just haven't chosen a program yet. Basia


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