
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Home Made Ricotta Gnochi

This week I really wanted to start looking at finding a good recipe for sweet and sour sauce since my friend and I are going to be canning up a bunch of jars soon, but I got side tracked.

I got detoured with making my own home made Ricotta Gnochi and let me tell you it was devine.  So soft and yummy.

First I made my own home made ricotta cheese:

I did that while I was boiling up the potatoes actually.

Then after I mashed my potatoes I let them cool a little.  Then I added in the ricotta all crumbled up and a cup of plain flour { sprinkled through as I was going }.

Then I dolloped handfuls onto my board and used a little more flour to help roll them into little logs and cut them up into bite sized portions.

When I had all my little Gnochi's cut and good to go I simply boiled them in water for about 4 - 5 mins until they were all floating nicely at the top.

Then at dinner time I added a sauce and reheated them.

BEST Gnochi I have ever had~!!

Very NOT like the store bought ones.

I also got detoured making Arancini.

Just put your rice in your rice cooker and add a soup mix.  In this case I used a chicken noodle soup mix.

After it's cooked just add a very generous helping of Parmesan cheese and some grated cheese and mix through.  Enough so that it will be quite sticky.  Allow to cool.

When cooled roll into little balls and stuff some more cheese { a little cube } into the middle and coat them in bread crumbs.

Then just give them a little fry in the frying pan in some oil until they go golden brown.

I was super happy with these little detours.

There were a number of eaters in the house who were also happy with them too.

Got to say: Pinterest is where I got these ideas from too.

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1 comment:

  1. That looks so yummy. I can't say I care very much for store bought gnocchi so I can't wait to give these a go. I have never tried Arancini either but it looks good too.
    Thanks for the dinner ideas.


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