
Friday, February 13, 2015

{ Week 7 }

Charlotte { 3 } is starting to take quite a bit more interest in doing school these days, which is great, but yeah, more work for mummy.  Here she is after doing a matching exercise.

In fact, she got carried away with them and did 3 in a row.

{ Maths }

In the maths department Chloe is up to lesson 42, Phebe lesson 31, and Hannah is at lesson 38.

{ Writing with Skill }

Chloe is doing well with our new writing course.  It probably really helped that I had previously used a scholastic book on paragraphs and topic sentences with Chloe already.  So we had a good foundation and know how to find topic sentences.

Anyway, here's todays work:

Yep, too easy.  Next to nothing, but in a lot of ways, good small progress.  I love that there's NO taxing the child, well, at least not yet.  ha ha ha.

We had a couple on the spur of the moment videos.  Here's Hannah doing a super short reading from 'The Great Gatsby'.  Totally random.  Just flicked open a page and picked anywhere and started reading.

Noah continues to grow like a weed.  I can't believe he's 3 months already.

He's already starting to spend some time in the walker.  Padded in with a blanket, but hey.

{ Homeschool Meet Up }

This week everyone went to the pool.  There's actually quite a good sized homeschooling population where we live, so that is nice.

It's got an awesome water play area for children.

And can you believe it?  I actually went for a swim myself~!!  It was made possible by the fact that both Daniel { 19 } and Caleb { 17 } had come with us and was helping me out with the girls and baby.

And just for fun, since I'm using my blog as my homeschool journal:

Today I am linking up with:

Weekly Wrap-Up

I hope you will join us.

Thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

  1. Love all the pics and hearing Hannah read. Noah is so cute!!
    Thanks for sharing!!


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