
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

History Reads for Ancient History Part One

This year the girls are using Mystery Of History I as our main history reader.

Now while I suppose that we could easily get by on just MOH I { if I wasn't so History focused } - I feel it would be much more beneficial and fun to add a few more books that would compliment and concrete our Ancients History focus for the year.

M. B. Synge
On the Shores of the Great Sea
{ FREE online }


Britain and Her Neighbours

Chloe has already read Synge and SOTW I this year .  She LOVED them.  They are easy short readings, so she just did a few each time she picked up a book.  Soon she'll start Britain & Her Neighbours Book III.  Phebe is currently half way through SOTW I, and then I'll give her Synge as well.  I'm actually thinking of starting Hannah off on Synge as the stories look shorter!

After all that - I am hoping, seriously hoping, that the biographies of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar are also appreciated here in the house as well before the end of the year.  They look a little challenging, but my girls are not afraid of big books, which is good.  I'll let you know how that goes.

I'll have some more Ancient History books for show and tell next week.

Today I'll be linking up with:

I hope you will join us.

Thanks so much for visiting.


  1. The ancients are so much fun to study and read about! I love Story of the World, although I've never read the other books you mentioned. Thanks for sharing. :-)

  2. Yes, we really like SOTW as a reader. I particularly like the map work that is provided in the activity guide and am actually going to switch back to SOTW so that we can use them. Oh, and I am really looking forward to using their tests too.


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