
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Timelines for History

One of the BEST things that I ever purchased for our homeschool was Amy Paks Timeline Figures.  I've had them for several years now and they always get used.

This year, while we've been working on improving our written work for History we've also been quietly doing a timeline to work along side.

I got the time line pages for FREE online from HERE.  Then I just bound them with my handy dandy little binder to make a book.

This book is Hannah's { she's 5 }.

It's currently set to cover all the Ancients.

When we need to add additional years I'll just open the book up and add the extra pages.

Can't wait to see the completed 4 year project.

Today I'll be linking up with:

I hope you will join us.

Thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! We did a timeline last year, and then this year we memorized a timeline. I'm looking forward to getting back to beginning another written timeline next year when we start with Ancient history again now that my kids are a bit older. Our first time around it was mostly me, but I'm hoping that this time my son will be able to "own it" a little more =) I'll have to check out the timeline figures you shared about!


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