
Friday, March 18, 2016

Week 12

This week we took a little Saxon break and went back to our CTC Maths online subscription.  The girls are loving it.  It sort of helped that I said, do two lessons each day and then if you do more I'll give you 20 cents per extra lesson.

Additionally, when we do return to Saxon, Hannah will start 6/5.  Wow.  Amazing.

This week Miss 10 read:

I added a couple of freebies from off the net and a TpT { paid } worksheet pack as well.


And then she painted up some "stables" for her horse.

and moved into this:

Charlotte continued to jump through her little preschool/kindergarten hoops.

So impressed!

Ok, this page might be Grade 1, but it was a trial and let's see.  :o)
Then she aced it!

{ i } is for insect.

This week I'll be linking up with:

I hope you will join us.

Thanks for visiting.


I really appreciate you taking the time to visit and leave me messages. Thanks so much.