
Friday, March 25, 2016

Week 13

For the past two weeks on my facebook wall I've been showing people how to make their own Language Arts program without a curriculum.  Yes, without a curriculum.  All you really need is a good reading book.  We tackled one portion at a time.  It's been fun.

At any rate, I've saved you a copy of the download, so you can try it out too.
Just click the page below.

This week in our homeschool......

The girls came to the end of their exercise books
{ well, so close that I felt we needed new ones now }.
It took us a whole 3 months to fill them.

What they look like stacked.
Yep, nice and fluffy.  We fill them up with all sorts of things.

Nature Drawing this week:

Charlotte tried some new stuff:

and kept on working on her 'morning work' { on the right there }.

{ k } is for koala.  :o)

The two older girls are nearing the end of their Climbing to Good English workbooks:

They turned out to be lovely little hidden gems.  I don't think that they are very well known as a curriclulum, and I only stumbled upon them because of my Rod and Staff love.  I really love them for English.  They cover so much and I love their style.

Even Hannah is doing great with it.  I only ask her to do one page a day.   I feel confident that she "could" easily do more, but yeah, I don't push it.  I save that for her Maths.  ha ha ha.

This week I'll be linking up with:

I hope you will join us.

1 comment:

  1. I love your plan for language arts without a curriculum! That's really handy. Thanks for sharing! :-)


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