
Friday, August 31, 2012

Alphabet Writing

This week Hannah ( 3y4m ) decided that she simply MUST do writing.
So, being the obligatory type of person that I am, I gave her the first half of the following book.
Next week, we'll do the remainder.
But in the mean time I thought that I'd offer the entire book here for FREE.  Just click the sample.
Yes, a 3 year old can write~!!  I sat with her for pretty much the entire thing so far, watching carefully to see letter formation, and wow, was I impressed.  She shows me, "you pinch the texta", and "we don't use these fingers" meaning the last two digits.

Freebie Fridays

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Alphabet Words e and f

Time for some more freebies to add to that little collection that we have going.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Anchor Charts

This is my third anchor chart for Language Arts for Grade 1. 

Phebe has now finished a third workbook.  Yay~!!  

These are from Christian Light Education.  Each module has 2 quizzes and a test.  But I thought that I would get even more use out of the workbooks by cutting out the main topics from the lessons as well and making them into anchor charts for review later on.

On this side we covered things like:
Question Marks
Asking and Telling Sentences
The / ch / sound
Was and Were
The / ee / and / ea / sound
Then I had to turn the blue page over to get the rest in there.
So we also covered:
Rhyming Words
Not Contractions
/ ai / and / ay / sounds
I Am ( JOY - Jesus first, Others next, Yourself last when writing sentences. )  So basically put the / I / last when you have other people in the sentence with I.

I have also noticed that we are covering more and more ground in each module as we go.  It's quite amazing just how much there is to learn, even in grade 1.  These modules only take a couple of weeks to do too.
We are currently going to take a break from Language Arts so that Phebe can focus on finishing up her last 3 modules for Learning To Read.  Then that course will be finished and we can come back to the English.  She's still only 5, and I have to keep that in mind.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I almost forgot that my blog was about "school" instead of just sharing preschool/kindergarten worksheets. 
Life has a way of sidetracking you, don't you think?

So today I'm going to do some show and tell from a lesson that we did yesterday.
Mystery of History, Lesson 74 - there are only 85 lessons in the book, total - yay~!!  We are so close to the end.
After reading from the text I also pulled out a gorgeous childrens book on the same topic.
This particular book comes with 4 "see-through" over lapping pages showing the outside and then the inside of a building.  Nice.
Food and Farming


And now for the children's work.  What did they do?
Well, this is what Miss Grade 1 gave me.
And this is what Miss Grade 2 gave me.
Only 9 more weeks of school for us and then we will begin our BIG school holidays.  I had a quick perusal this afternoon to see what I've got organised for next year and we are pretty much set already, apart from actually writing out my program to be used as a tick off list.   So at any rate, I guess you will all be hearing a lot about how the END is in sight over the next few weeks.  LOL
Thanks for visiting,

Monday, August 27, 2012

Some More Alphabet Words

As a following on from yesterday, I'll just have to share some more of those Alphabet Words.



Sunday, August 26, 2012

Alphabet Words

I need to cheer myself up, and the best way to do that is be a productive giving person.  So day I am going to start giving away Alphabet Words.

The only down side to this is having to come back for more pieces to the file.   It's big, big.  Yeah, big.  And it's all in little tiny chunks.  But oh well, good to go - well up until we get to P I think, so by the time we get there I shouldn't have too much problem with finishing off the book.   LOL
I won't do a giveaway from this book every single day, but if you drop in every now and then and check the category list for 'AW' you'll find all the ones I've shared.  :o)

So without any further talking let's get started.
A 1
( I have to number them because there are 4 parts to each letter ).

B 1

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Character Creativity

Today we have Creativity.

( 5 pages )
* * * * * * * *
This week I was supposed to start my memorizing of 1 Peter 1.
I don't know how much of it I got memorized, it's fuzzy but I do have some of it in here, but with the illness in the house it's really been a hit and miss affair.

1 Peter 1:1-2

Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia,
Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied.

Friday, August 24, 2012

More Mini Fold Ups

Seriously - this week was bad.   All of us at one point was down and out with a super bug of the flu of sorts.  The 4th round in the house this winter.  All the children ended up on antibiotics.  We quit daycare ( permanently ) for the 2 grandbabies.

The good news is that we gave Letrell a hair cut.  We also took both grandbabies off bottles and started using cups.  Working awesome~!!  I am so happy about that.  Amazing.  This means no more middle of the night feeds, which in turn is causing them to sleep better during the nights.   Their behaviour is also improved as well, but we totally cut all the lollies and junk.  Another bonus.  Yay~!!  And lastly - little Kadafi who really doesn't like to eat - EATS.  We sit him with the other children eating and he just joins in.  So happy about all the progress.  Finally, after 6 months of not going anywhere with it all.

But, I know coming here isn't all about me just talking family stuff with you,

it's about school stuff, so here are a couple of freebies for fun.  :o)

The letter / c /

The letter / d /


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Watcha Reading

I just wanted to quickly pop on and share a reading program that I have used.

Do you read the Bible?

If yes, then this might help you.

I went and numbered my New Testament books 1 to 27.

Then on the 1st I would read as much of Matthew as I could.  Then on the 2nd I would read from Mark.  And I would work my way through the month by going through the New Testament.

That way one could easily read the entire New Testament within a month.  Yep, a single month.

The longest books were Matthew and Revelation taking about 3 hours each.

Yeah, so I just wanted to share that, since it was in my deleted blog archives - so I needed to just share it again, so that it is here.

Good things need to be repeated.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Meet New Friends

Today I am being featured over at Pocket Full of Kinders for Meet Some New Friends Sunday.

Ever wanted to know a bit more about me?  Well, this little interview tells quite a bit.  :o)

In particular it reveals my obsession, the type of things that come to mind when hearing a certain word, and it also talks a little about my favorite curriculum as well.

While you're there I think you'll have fun checking out Shuna's blog and all the other cool stuff that she has.

Thanks Shuna~!!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

5 Things I Miss About Summer

Today I am joining up with Joy of Kindergarten with her linky of '5 Things I Miss About Summer'.

As some of you know - here in Australia we are currently having winter - so I am really missing the summer these days ( every day pretty much except the days we go skiing ).

1.  I so need something easy in my life right now.  My plate is FULL.   LOL - I know my little plate picture 'looks' like it's empty - but I assure you it is full.  Summer always frees us up somewhat from our daily workload and brings a time of refreshment and a time to recoup.  Where I can rest from the school work load. 

I miss that.

While my friends in America were having summer we were still doing school and having winter.  I was just looking at our History the other day and we were up to lesson 73.  There are only 85 lessons in the book.  We are finally nearing the end.  We have worked so hard since January.

2.  The warm weather.  Where I can actually let the little children outside to play with their toys, bikes, or jump on the trampoline. 

I miss that.

We've had some serious cold weather and rain here lately - so I think we have some serious cabin fever happening.

3.  The beautiful garden flowers.  Nothing quite like the green filled with a beautiful rainbow of colors on the ground.

I miss that.

4.  Being able to go to sleep without wearing a jumper, trackypants, socks, and a brick load of blankets.

I miss that.

5.  Early morning trips to the markets.  I don't like to go in the rain and cold so I tend to wait for the sunny days.

I miss that.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Character Contentment

This week we have Contentment.

I added an extra page in there to show comparison to the opposite character, room to talk about an animal that displays this character, and room for a quote. 

( 5 pages )

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Art Thursday

Today I have some craft show and tell.

The night before I made up this background and popped it on the wall.

Then the next day we did our little owl crafts.

We used patterned paper, ribbon, glue, craft punches, and double sided tape to adhere strips of ribbon to the owls tummies. 

AND I let the girls use my sharpie pen to finish off their owls.  I know, I'm so generous - and trusting with my toys.

Thanks for visiting.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Beginning Sounds and Writing 2

I've been thinking of doing this little workbook for a few weeks now, but for some reason I just always had a million gazillion and one other things to do.  I was always getting distracted with facebook, blogs, and pinterest.  Until yesterday.  I just said to myself, "It's time to turn off all the outside noises and do some work".

And today she is finally here.................

Dear Charlotte - I am sorry that mummy let you go to sleep in Calebs arms, but I want to thank you because it really helped free me up to finish this book.

The book is here, not Charlotte, she's in her cot fast asleep. :o) My 15 year old helped me out by looking after her.

The workbook systematically works it's way through the alphabet at 3 letters on each page, and two pages for each set being done.  Except for the last set - I tired and you only get 1 page for y and z.

Here is a little sample done by Miss Hannah 3 this morning.  She's currently learning her ABC's.

Chloe saw me making the workbook up for Hannah and said that she would love one too.  She's a bit old for the work in it, but she wanted one, so I said, "Sure".  :o)

There's a place for the child to write their name on each page.  It's on the top on the right hand side.   And just in case you can't tell what the pictures are they are written on the far left bottom.

If you'd like a FREE copy of it you'll have to be one of the first 5 people to leave me a message in the comment section.

After that it will be a BARGIN in my TpT store at an awesome price of only $2.00.

Elsie Dinsmore

Do you remember a couple of weeks ago I was off gallavanting all over the country side visiting my sister in another state?

Well, I did mention in a previous post that I had bought some books, and today I want to share a little about ONE of them.

I got Book 1 from the series of Elsie Dinsmore.

I got it from Koorong.  I ordered some more from Book Depository.  I see they are also on Amazon.   And a whole stack are FREE on gutenberg.

It far from finished, so I cannot quite give you my thoughts on it just yet.

In the mean time though, I did find something in it to share with you.

* * * * * * *

The Pilgrims Wants

I want a sweet sense of Thy pardoning love,
That my manifold sins are forgiven;
That Christ, as my Advocate, pleadeth above,
That my name is recorded in heaven.

I want every moment to feel
That Thy Spirit resides in my heart -
That His power is present to cleanse and to heal,
And newness of life to impart.

I want - Oh! I want to attain
Some likeness, my Saviour, to Thee!
That longed for resemblance once more to regain,
Thy comeliness put upon me.

I want to be marked for Thine own -
Thy seal on my forehead to wear;
To receive that new name on the mystic white stone
Which none but Thyself can declare.

I want so in thee to abide
As to bring forth some fruit to Thy praise;
The branch which Thou prunest, though feeble and dried,
May languish, but never decays.

I want Thine own hand to unbind
Each tie to terrestrial things,
Too tenderly cherished, too closely entwined,
Where my heart so tenaciously clings.

I want, by my aspect serene,
My actions and words, to declare
That my treasure is placed in a country unseen,
That my heart's best affections are there.

I want as a trav'ller to haste
Straight onward, nor pause on my way;
Nor fore thought in anxious contrivance to waste
On the tent only pitched for a day.

I want - and this sums up my prayer -
To glorify Thee till I die;
Then calmly to yield up my soul to Thy care,
And breathe out in faith my last sigh.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Alphabet Work

Can you believe how quickly the years are just whizzing by?   This week I recieved another batch of 'Learning to Read' by Christian Light Education that I had ordered for little Miss 3 ( she wont begin to use it until she is closer to being 4 and a half though).  It's a 10 workbook course, and I highly recommend it to everyone who wants to teach a child to read.  ( I've used it with two other children already. )  The teachers manuals are also prized possessions too.  I can't believe that she'll begin formal work in 1 and a half years time.  So soon.  If she shows any brillance in between time I have their photocopy masters for the course that I can offer her to practice with.  And, of course I have the umpteenth amount of worksheets that I've bought or made to keep us happy as well.
Anyhooo......time to do some show and tell from Little Miss 3.

The following worksheets are from my book

Alphabet Color, Track, and Trace Workbook 2

  but if you'd like to have a try out of some of them, to see if they are useful for you, just scroll down to the end of the post where I have some freebies.  :o)  Don't forget to look for other freebies on other letters here on the blog too.

This last page is from another one of my books

Draw a Line

* * * * * * *

If you'd like a copy of both the upper and lower case of this worksheet set just click the picture.

and here is the other one as well.


Sunday, August 12, 2012


Guess what our latest theme work is on?


The girls really loved this book, they were hunched over me clinging to the whole story.

And we also got to read this book.  I just love the illustrations.  Beautiful and simple.

I can't wait until we do some more work on our current theme.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Character Freebie and a New Memory Challenge

For our character work this week we have Compassion.( 4 pages )

* * * * * * * * *

And now I have some news about memorizing scripture.

This week I want to let you all know about a NEW memory verse link up that I'll be particpating in.

But first me share with you our hostess blog site.  A place I've just started visiting.

They are going to be memorizing 1 Peter 1.  They also have some printables to help you on your journey. 

So, I thought what an awesome passage, and signed up.

I hope you can join us.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Blog Roll

Have you joined up to my blog list roll?

I'd love it if you would.

Just click my button to go sign up.  :o)

That way when I'm wondering where to go blog hopping I'll have somewhere to start from.

Thanks for visiting.